5 Things To Know Before Going For Medical Facials

Medical Facials are in rage these days, but what are they???

Medicated Facials or Medical Facials are treatment oriented facials which involves intense Exfoliation, Hydration, Targeted Action and Rejuvenation of skin. It generally involves using fancy tools and equipments like microdermabrasion ,chemical peels, lasers, etc.

2. Use Various Tools: Medicated facials are generally combined with chemical peels or lasers. They play a vital role as they target acne, wrinkles, dull and dehydrated skin, uneven skin tone and improves the quality and texture of skin.

3. Use Medical Line: They generally use high end medical grade products which penetrate deeper and have a greater impact on improving the skin texture.

4. Treatment Oriented: If you are looking for a nice pampering session, this may not be the perfect choice as medicated facials are more treatment oriented.

5. Trained ProfessionalThey are done by trained professional like aestheticians or sometimes by doctors themselves. So your skin is in safe hands.

For any Queries you can email at yourplanetderm@gmail.com and continue following planetderm for more skin care advice and tips.
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better choice, enlightment, knowledge, medical line, medicated facials, planetderm, skincare,


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